
Audrey Christine

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Exploring Outside SF...

Adventures here, there and everywhere.

Barn Yard Cats on the Prowl

Cheese makes everything better

The light house is juuust a bit further...I promise

Monday, March 30, 2015

Sunday Adventure Series

Documenting my new filter of the Bay Area in what I'm calling the Sunday Adventure Series. Excited to see where this leads and what I'll discover along the way. 

Fort Baker 

Somewhere in Pacifica

Half Moon Bay

Muir Woods


Harley Farms

Farm to Table Experience 

Pigeon Point Light Station

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Getting Domestic

That is the smell of HOMEMADE BREAD wafting through the kitchen...
I've been looking at a lot of recipes for home made bread and stumbled across this "No Kneed Bread" recipe. While I love baking, I've only done bread rolls a couple times and for some reason some of the recipes out there are just so intimidating. I was so happy to find that I could count all the ingredients on one hand: flour, yeast, salt and water.  Count them...1,2,3,4...yes that's right.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving! This year there is much to be thankful for. Family, friends, employment... What are you thankful for this year? Sorry I've been so MIA in posting, here are a few of my favorite HOLIDAY items and DIY projects.





Wednesday, September 14, 2011


In honor of my upcoming Hawaii trip- my bags will be packed with plenty of prints, short, dresses, wedges, flats, and sunnies!

Cheers to postponing Fall and the Winter months just a few weeks longer!